

RDC’s COVID-19 Precautions and Protocols

Rockwell Dance Center is doing everything possible to ensure the safety of its students, families, faculty, and staff.

  • Masks

    1. Masks are optional, but highly recommended.

    Hand Disinfectant

    1. Everyone is required to disinfect as soon as they walk in. Hand sanitizer will be available at the front door and inside of every studio. All students should carry their own personal hand sanitizer, as well.

  • Cleaning

    1. The studio will be cleaned every day (as it has always been) In addition, we now use CDC approved COVID disinfectants.

    2. We are installing HEPA-13 filters in the HVAC system for improved air filtering and to trap any contagions.  The fans will run 24/7 for air circulation.

  • Indoor Capacity

    1. We request that parents “drop off and pickup” only. Exceptions made for our younger students.

  • Fresh Air

    1. Window and doors will be open (as weather permits).

    2. The fresh intake vents in our HVAC system are fully opened to allow maximum fresh air flow.

  • Student and Faculty Health

    1. Please stay home if you have symptoms of any kind.

    2. A student must be fever free for 24 hours with no medication before returning to class and all symptoms must be improving.

    3. In the event of a positive case, RDC will follow proper guidelines for cleaning, disinfecting and contact tracing. (contact us for detailed protocols)

    4. We ask that you please notify RDC if a student, or someone in their household, tests positive for Covid.